If you’re looking for a career in IT, university or college may just be a total waste of time. Online programming bootcamps are surging in popularity as they fast track coding skills. Technology is developing very quickly and these bootcamps update their courses much faster than universities. To kickstart your career in IT and complete a certified online programming bootcamp try an online search.

online programming bootcamp

Benefits Of Online Coding Bootcamps

In a breakthrough report 51% of professionals employed in the coding or IT space agree that the skills required for the role are taught in online bootcamps.1 In fact employers are now suggesting that hiring those who complete active programming bootcamps are far better suited for the roles. University and college degrees are often outdated and take time to reorganise the course. Online coding bootcamps are bridging the gap for those wanting an accelerated education to get into employment as soon as possible.

Online Bootcamps Keep Your Life Flexible

One of the biggest benefits of studying an online bootcamp course is how flexible it is. Each course is broken down into seperate modules which you can complete in your own time and schedule. There is no time restrictions and the serve yourself education model is taking the world by storm. You can continue to work full time or part time, and pick up a module each day or week or month (whatever suits you!). This is becoming very trendy for young professionals looking to increase their salaries whilst maintaining an income.

Online Programming Bootcamps Save You Money

Compared to the cost of traditional computer science degrees or IT college courses programming bootcamps are much more affordable. You do not require to have any certain prerequisites or entry scores to be assessed before hand. University and college degrees can set you back $10,000 to $20,000 a year (if not more!) per year. Online programming bootcamps are much cheaper and often can be completed for less then $1000 if not cheaper. There are multiple free programming bootcamps available which cover many topics like Python, CSS, Java and even modern blockchain coding languages.

Bootcamps Teach Exactly What Skills Are Needed For Work

Instead of teaching you endless amounts of theory and completing projects which simply don’t make sense programming bootcamps give you the real information straight up. Designed to accelerate the learning experience for employment as the IT space is desperately searching for new workers. Currently in the USA there are over 1.4million software engineer jobs on offer which have not been filled.2 The salaries for these roles can command well over $100,000 per year and with some years experience can exceed $250,000 for senior roles.

Online Programs Add A Lot To Your Salary

In a study by Course Report they found that from 665 graduates the average rise in salary was $18,000 after completing the online bootcamps.3 What is even more interesting is the fact that over 40% of these students had zero coding experience before they enrolled in the program. The numbers truly paint a picture for those who want a career in IT should skip university and get into the models of an online programming bootcamp.

What Do Programming Bootcamps Teach?

There are hundreds of different programming languages when it comes to the technology space. Every language plays a vital role in different systems which cover things like websites, games, security systems, mobile applications and of course telecommunications. Some of the most basic languages yet used in most instances include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL which are the main teachings of the course. Javascript is considered a front end language and 95% of websites on the internet is are based in this language. Backend coders are considered those who code in Ruby, Python, PHP, and C or C++ or Javascript too. Backend developers tend to be a bit more logical based thinkers.

Get Coding Ready In Just 3 Months

The acceleration model of online programming bootcamps helps to understand coding very simply. The courses are designed in ways to understand the language as you code it with interactive learning experiences. Coding in real time as you learn online can help you understand the process as you go along. This learning technique has been proven to be much better than traditional university courses. Compared to 3 to 4 year long computer science degrees, online programming bootcamps can be completed fast.

Learn Coding Today With An Online Programming Bootcamp

So if you’re ready to head into a career in IT or simply want to increase your skills than a programming bootcamp is for you. There are many different providers each with their own preferred language or destination. No matter if you prefer front end, back end, full stack or unsure yet this is an opportunity not to be missed. To see the best courses available today with no tuition fees try a simple online search.

Find Programming Bootcamps


  1. https://www.coursereport.com/blog/are-coding-bootcamps-worth-it-2022
  2. https://www.hackreactor.com/blog/open-coding-jobs
  3. https://www.coursereport.com/2015-coding-bootcamp-job-placement-demographics-report