For those young and eager to get a college degree the expenses can be crushing. But if you're over 50 colleges around the nation are seeing new opportunity in seniors - and you may just be eligible for the same education for free! Want to...
How Seniors Are Saving Big On Luxury Cruises
With the pandemic beginning to ease, more luxury cruise liners are offering unheard of deals. Seniors across the nation are snapping up tickets to some of the most prestige locations that will leave your jaw dropping. Senior cruises are more...
5 Reasons Why An Online Business Degree May Benefit You
Times are tough. Demand for high skilled workers is at an all time high. But traditional colleges are super expensive - with the average student graduating with $37,182 in debt. Fortunately, accredited universities are now offering cheap and fast online degree...
Why You Are Paying Too Much For Dental Implants in 2023
Most seniors require dental work but for years now, the dental industry has been ripping off consumers with super high costs. Thankfully, recent breakthroughs in technology have led to much faster and cheaper treatments available - and you can check right now. [sc...
Should I Sell My Life Insurance For Cash?
Life insurance, yes that consistent midday commercial we've all grown used too over the years. But it really is something we should have in place particularly as we get older and have loved ones dependant on us. Now like many Americans, sometimes finances are a little...
Now You Can Finally Make Back Pain a Thing of the Past
If you suffer from backpain, whether you've experienced it firsthand or seen a loved one with this debilitating ache you will understand how much it impacts your day to day life. Even waking up and getting out of bed can be a hassle, let alone chasing your children...