Piles, otherwise known as Hemorrhoids affect all genders and age groups but especially those over 50.1 They can be difficult to bring up with your doctor but getting them treated is easier than you think. Knowing the early warning signs can help detect them before they become harder to remove. To find a local specialist near you or understand the early warning signs simply search online.

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What Exactly Are Piles (Hemorrhoids)?

Hemorrhoids can be considered into two different types being classified as external or internal. External hemorrhoids are the ones that are found on or around your anus. External hemorrhoids can develop if you have increased pressure within the colon, a condition known as colovesical fistula. Internal hemorrhoids are more common and begin with dilated veins inside the anus cavity. They’re ususally painless because there is not many nerves found inside this region and are difficult for a patient to diagnose.

What Causes Piles?

There are many factors that can contribute to this disorder but most commonly occurs to weakness of the tissue that supports blood vessels in this area.12 This weakness can be caused by such factors like.

  • Lifting Heavy Objects
  • Hereditary and Genetic Factors
  • Posture and Sitting Position
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Age
  • Diet and Lack of Nutrients
  • Obstruction or Growth of Abnormal Tissue

Most Common Affected By Piles?

Piles can affect both genders just as frequently and its considered that 1 in 20 people will experience this in their lifetime.

Common Symptoms Of Piles?

  • Pain during bowel movements: Pain may be caused by gas, strangulation or constipation.
  • Strong urge for bowel movement: Irritability and restlessness are common symptoms.
  • Burning sensation when passing stool: This is a sign of hemorrhoids, although it may occasionally occur with other diseases.
  • Swelling of the anus: Hemorrhoids can cause swelling in the anus as they become swollen due to obstruction of blood flow.
  • Abdominal Pain: The pain is usually deeper than a normal pain but still less than that of a kidney stone.
  • Bloody bowel movement: Depression and severe fatigue are common to this condition.

Complications Of Untreated Piles?

If piles goes untreated it can lead to blood clots in external skin tissues, infections of this area or even anaemia.3

How To Diagnose Piles?

  • Family History – Parents and relatives of piles suffer from this also.
  • Tests – Blood tests may be needed to rule out other diseases such as cancer.
  • Physical Examination – Physical examination should be performed to look for other signs and tests that can be utilized.

Conventional Treatment Of Piles

Hemorrhoidectomy– This is the only form of treatment for hemorrhoids and is very successful, depending on the severity of the condition. It involves removing the swollen vein (hemorrhoid) located inside the anus. Results are usually visible after a period of a few weeks.

Banding Treatment – This procedure is done by a surgeon in a piles clinic. A haemorrhoid is held tightly by the surgeon with forceps or a suction device. A rubber band is then placed at the base of the haemorrhoid and it begins to cut off the blood supply eventually causing it to disentegrate.

Diathermy and Electrotherapy – This form of treatment is still relatively new but has been known to be effective. A high frequency current is passed through the hemorrhoid which coagulates and damages the vessel tissue.

Drainage Procedures – These are special forms of banding procedures that are designed to relieve painful symptoms quickly. Often an elected a general anesthetic is required for these procedures.

Are There Natural Treatments For Piles?

Take Fiber Supplements – Decreasing constipation and straining on the toilet will reduce pile symptoms. It is recommended that you take soluble fiber supplements in order to maintain healthy stool movements. Soluble fiber is found in most fruits and vegetables, including oatmeal, beans, apples, carrots, grapes and pears.

Drink Plenty of Water – Drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day will produce softer stools to pass instead of hard pressed ones which pushes the blood vessels against the skin causing them to protrude.

Get More Frequent Exercise – Exercising daily will help you maintain healthy bowel movements. It will also help in weight loss and blood flow regulation.

Try Natural Herbs – Some popular natural treatments include: Dandelion, Grapefruit, Marshmallow, Saw Palmetto and White Oak Bark.

Find Your Best Local Piles Clinics

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms or have diagnosed yourself with Piles than getting into the right clinic can help save time and money. There are many local experts ready to deal with this condition and it can be easily treated after diagnosis. For the best local piles clinics in your area try search online.

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  1. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/hemorrhoids/definition-facts
  2. https://www.medindia.net/patients/patientinfo/hemorrhoids.htm
  3. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/hemorrhoids/definition-facts#complications